Geez! It's like a set of lawsuits every other week now!
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Not on SIX Texas victims acuse Jehovah's Witness Elder & Circuit Overseer of sexual abuse, and bring lawsuit against Watchtower for cover-up.
by Balaamsass2 insexual exploitation and abuse of six young children leads to lawsuit in dallas county.
dallas, oct. 23, 2014 / six young adults, from north texas, all sexually abused as children, filed suit today in dallas, texas state court against three north texas jehovahs witnesses congregations (dallas, plano, and greenville), the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, and an elder.. sexually abused when they were ages 4 through 14, the plaintiffs were children of members of the dallas, plano, and greenville jehovahs witnesses congregations.
the suit states that they were repeatedly sexually abused and molested by an elder and an unknown regional circuit overseer, and that they and their families were threatened with discipline and harm if they disclosed the abuse to anyone.
Evidence Regarding the Evolution of Cetaceans - Whales etc
by cofty inthis excellent little video sumamrises some of the evidence for the evolutionary history of cetaceans.. if focuses on comparative anatomy, embryology, fossils and dna.. .... .
breakfast of champions
There was a great special exhibit on this subject at the Museum of Natural History in NY last year.
The evidence caused my family great cognitive dissonance - which I think is a good thing!
I particularly enjoyed pointing out to them how over time, Jehovah created creatures with smaller and smaller hip bones until they became the vestigial ones seen in whales today.
Jehovah's a tricky guy!
Watchtower encouraging members to go and preach in Israel
by wannaexit inan odd letter was read at last nights' meeting.
it was in regards to a special campaign for next year arranged by the governing body to go and preach in israel.
the call is going out to anybody that speaks hebrew and english.
breakfast of champions
So what is this Israel thing really about?
Just heard through my wife that a young sister in a neighboring cong plans on going.
What's the Society's real motive behind this? Another distraction/misdirect as the calendar flips to 2015?
High Ranking Scientology Members Go Crazy
by lambsbottom in
breakfast of champions
From COFTY'S link:
The result is simply surreal. We couldn’t help feeling we were watching some sort of deleted scene from a Terry Gilliam movie.
It was just over twenty years ago that I was involved in a "Brazil-esque" incident with the Bethel elder body of my congregation. . . .
Even then, being fully invested in JWs, I realized how Orwellian it was. . . . .
But it took me til 2010 to figure it out.
Nah, it's not a cult, is it?
Listen to the Pilot Episode of JW Podcast
by God_Delusion inhi guys,.
check out our first ever podcast here -, or download this episode (right click and save).
it's finally here, our first ever jehovah's witness podcast!
breakfast of champions
Just finished listening. .. .
Outstanding job!
Really enjoyed the chemistry, humor, everything. . . Excellent!
In your opinion: What would a teacher of the English language say about the way Anthony Morris III speaks?
by LogCon inconsidering the language, wording and grammar of anthony morris iii, if a teacher on the english language, at a prestigious university were to analyze anthony's public speaking, what comments and conclusions would they come to?
i say public speaking, because i would assume that an individual would be more careful with their words when spoken in public, than in private.
serious comments would be appreciated, however, i realize that outlaw and a few others are probably on a page of their own.. .
breakfast of champions
Watching the AM with my wife and Tony says,"Alls I know is. . . ."
My wife turns to me and says,"Alls I know? What language is that?"
Between his bizzare stream-of-unconsciousnews style and slurred speech, he sounds like he's half in the bag.
I Think I Caught A Lie!
by lambsbottom in*** w13 7/15 p. 7 par.
15 tell us, when will these things be?
and in his parable of the sheep and the goats, jesus states: the son of man arrives in his glory.
breakfast of champions
I Think I Caught A Lie
Only one?
"Infidel" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali - The Story of a Muslim Apostate
by cofty ini have just finished reading one of the most powerful, thought-provoking books i have ever read.. if somebody really wanted to know the reality of life inside the watchtower they must talk to a rational ex-jw.
only people like us can see through the offical statememets and stereotypes and understand the thinking, pressures, hopes and fears of life in the cult.. ayaan hirsi ali shares her personal experience of growing up in a muslim community.
ayaan was born in somalia with it's culture of clan loyalty and honour.
breakfast of champions
Thanks for the recommendation COFTY.
I just reserved a copy at our local library. Most likely my wife will read it and give a full report. . . . I just don't have the time right now.
I had my wife read "Unorthodox" by Deborah Feldman, and she was very impressed.
She went on to read Feldman's most recent book "Exodus," and did so within 24 hours of taking it out at the library - it was that riveting.
breakfast of champions
The chart above talks about "Initial Fulfillment" and "Larger Fulfillment" . . . . .
I'm sorry, but that is a "type" and "antitype". . ..
I thought JWs aren't subscribing to that crap anymore. . . . Hmmmmmm. . .,
Anthony Morris III delivers judgement on Branch at Annual Meeting
by Listener inthis is part of the speech that anthony morris iii gave during his time in the limelight at the 2014 annual meeting.. at 3.16.32 of the recorded meeting.
"what role do those with an earthly hope play?
oh oh ho veeeery important role, very important.
breakfast of champions
I don't know. . . In the context, it seems like the "men" he is referring to are "brothers."
The story starts out with how those with an earthly hope - JWs, not "worldly folks" - have the "very important" role of supporting Christ's brothers.
It goes without saying that the rest of the world have no role in the first place. They could care less.
Then he goes on to the story about being dissed in a "branch territory." Again he could have said he was poorly treated in "another country" but specifically used the term "branch."
It really wouldn't make sense if it were just "worldlies" who are pissing him off - that's to be expected; and they're all burnt hot dogs via Big Brother Jesus' firebolts anyway.
However, it does seem he is making the point that those with an earthly hope - the ones who are supposed to support him- are the ones who dissed him, and thus they will have to deal with JC.
Just my take on it.